How To Use Your Credit Card For Ultimate Financial Advantage
By Alain Diza
Using a credit card wisely is an important step in building a
great credit rating. If you're trying to re-build your credit
or if you're young and just starting out, pay close attention
the next time you receive a new card offer in the mail or
online. When you're trying to build a positive credit history
for yourself, using the right credit card makes sense. Making
small purchases and then making your payments on time each
month is a simple, reliable way to build an outstanding credit
If you receive a credit card application that appears to offer
a low monthly interest rate, don't make a decision until you
turn it over and closely examine the Disclosure Box. In it
you'll find a more important measure of credit terms - the
Annual Percentage Rate, or APR. By federal law, the Disclosure
Box will also tell you whether or not the card has what is
called a grace period - a number of days, usually 25, until
your purchase starts to accrue finance charges. If a card has a
reasonable grace period and you pay off your balance at the end
of each billing cycle, you won't have to pay finance charges.
It isn't difficult to find credit cards that offer these grace
periods, so if the Disclosure Box doesn't declare one then
throw the application in the trash and look for a better offer.
If you don't have any credit history at all, a credit card
company won't want to give you a very high credit limit, but
that's probably best when you're just starting out. You don't
want to be tempted to go into serious debt with your very first
credit card.
Ideally you want to pay off your balance each month to avoid
paying any finance charges, but when that isn't possible it's
important to know the actual cost of the items you purchase.
The annual percentage rate, divided by 12 months, gives you the
periodic rate that will be applied to your outstanding balance
each month. You can estimate what your monthly finance charge
will be by multiplying the periodic rate times the outstanding
balance. It may sound complicated at first, but taking the time
to learn this simple equation can make a big difference in how
you use your credit card.
When you're able to see how much you actually spend on an item
that you don't pay off at the end of the month, it might help
you to resist the temptation to over-use your card. An item
that you want to buy might be on sale at the time you purchase
it, but if you don't pay off your balance at the end of the
month then those finance charges can dramatically increase the
actual amount you'll end up paying.
Credit cards are only one of the tools available to help you
build a positive credit history. Making on-time payments for
other forms of credit, such as rent and utilities, are also
important. Depending on your situation, within 1-2 years your
credit rating will be improved enough that you no longer need
to use your card for new purchases to maintain your good
credit. Use these tools wisely, and they'll help build your
financial future like no other!
About the Author: Alain Diza makes it easy to acquire a large
selection of premier credit cards designed specifically for
your needs. Access his "insiders-only" selection of credit
cards and financial resources today at:
Monday, April 30, 2007
Saturday, April 28, 2007
Credit Card Machines 802
Debit Card Vs. Credit Card, What Are The Differences?
By James Dimmitt
Ah, the “good old days”. If you are a baby boomer, like me,
then you probably remember how important it was to rush to the
bank on payday. You had to get there before the teller lanes
closed so that you could have your “cash allowance” for the
week. Otherwise, if you needed cash you had to write a check,
then go to the bank, and “cash” the check for real cash.
Fortunately the days of the mad rush to get cash from the bank
are long gone. We now enjoy the convenience of using a nearby
automatic teller machine (ATM) or you can even get “cash back”
at your local grocery, hardware or convenience store.
The card you use at the ATM is known as a debit card. When
debit cards first appeared it was easy to tell them apart from
credit cards. Debit cards didn’t have a credit card company
logo on them; instead, they usually just had your bank name,
your account number and your name.
Today debit cards look exactly like credit cards even carrying
the same logos. Both types of cards can be swiped at the
checkout counter , used to make purchases on the internet, or
to pay for the fill-up at the gas pump.
When you use your debit card to make a purchase, it’s just like
using cash. The account that is attached to your debit card, in
most cases your checking account, is automatically debited when
you use your debit card. The cost of your purchase is deducted
from the funds you have in that account.
On the other hand, when you use your credit card to make a
purchase you are using someone’s else’s money, specifically the
issuer of the credit card, usually a banking institution.
In effect, you agree to pay them back the money you borrowed to
make your purchase. In addition you will also pay interest on
the money “loaned” to you at the rate which you agreed to when
you applied for their credit card. This is known as the annual
percentage rate (APR).
While the two cards might act and look alike, the levels of
consumer protection that each type of card provides can be
Under federal law, if someone steals your credit card you're
only responsible to pay the first $50 of unauthorized charges.
However, if you notify the credit card issuer before a thief is
able to make any charges you may be free from all liability.
If the credit card is not physically present when an
unauthorized or fraudulent purchase is made, such as over the
internet, you’re also free from liability for those charges.
MasterCard and Visa offer zero-liability protection where you
won’t pay any charges if someone uses your credit card to make
an unauthorized purchase.
The protection offered to debit card fraud is similar but with
a few exceptions. For example, your liability under federal
law is limited to $50, the same as for a credit card, but only
if you notify the issuer within two business days of
discovering the card's loss or theft. Your liability for
debit card fraud can jump up to $500 if you don’t report the
loss or theft within two business days.
And if you are the type of person that gives a passing glance
to your monthly bank statement, you could be totally liable for
any fraudulent debit card charges if you wait 60 days or more
from the time your statement is mailed.
Visa and MasterCard zero-liability protection applies to your
debit card but only for transactions that do not involve the
use of your PIN (personal identification number).
Additional protection against fraudulent use of your credit or
debit cards may be available through your homeowner’s or
renter’s insurance. Check your policy or with your agent for
more information about your coverage.
Also be aware that you should contact your card issuer by
certified letter, return receipt requested, after you’ve
contacted them by phone to protect your consumer rights.
As for which card to use for what type of purchase, most
experts agree that you should use your debit card for the same
type of purchases you’d make as if you were using cash.
Therefore, it makes more sense to use your debit card than your
credit card at the grocery store or gas station (provided you
have sufficient funds to cover these purchases of course).
Avoid using your debit card for any online purchase or for
something which is expensive. Why ? You’ll find it much
easier to dispute a charge when you use your credit card. If
your gold-plated, limited edition, hip-swinging Elvis wall
clock arrives broken, your credit card company will remove the
charge until the problem is resolved.
With your debit card you are stuck dealing with the merchant
directly to resolve any problems with a purchase, even if your
banking institution could really use a gold-plated, limited
edition, hip-swinging Elvis wall clock of their very own.
About the Author: © 2005, Author: James H. Dimmitt
James is editor of “To Your Credit” a FREE weekly newsletter
focusing on managing your personal finances and credit.
Subscribe and get a FREE copy of your credit report when you
By James Dimmitt
Ah, the “good old days”. If you are a baby boomer, like me,
then you probably remember how important it was to rush to the
bank on payday. You had to get there before the teller lanes
closed so that you could have your “cash allowance” for the
week. Otherwise, if you needed cash you had to write a check,
then go to the bank, and “cash” the check for real cash.
Fortunately the days of the mad rush to get cash from the bank
are long gone. We now enjoy the convenience of using a nearby
automatic teller machine (ATM) or you can even get “cash back”
at your local grocery, hardware or convenience store.
The card you use at the ATM is known as a debit card. When
debit cards first appeared it was easy to tell them apart from
credit cards. Debit cards didn’t have a credit card company
logo on them; instead, they usually just had your bank name,
your account number and your name.
Today debit cards look exactly like credit cards even carrying
the same logos. Both types of cards can be swiped at the
checkout counter , used to make purchases on the internet, or
to pay for the fill-up at the gas pump.
When you use your debit card to make a purchase, it’s just like
using cash. The account that is attached to your debit card, in
most cases your checking account, is automatically debited when
you use your debit card. The cost of your purchase is deducted
from the funds you have in that account.
On the other hand, when you use your credit card to make a
purchase you are using someone’s else’s money, specifically the
issuer of the credit card, usually a banking institution.
In effect, you agree to pay them back the money you borrowed to
make your purchase. In addition you will also pay interest on
the money “loaned” to you at the rate which you agreed to when
you applied for their credit card. This is known as the annual
percentage rate (APR).
While the two cards might act and look alike, the levels of
consumer protection that each type of card provides can be
Under federal law, if someone steals your credit card you're
only responsible to pay the first $50 of unauthorized charges.
However, if you notify the credit card issuer before a thief is
able to make any charges you may be free from all liability.
If the credit card is not physically present when an
unauthorized or fraudulent purchase is made, such as over the
internet, you’re also free from liability for those charges.
MasterCard and Visa offer zero-liability protection where you
won’t pay any charges if someone uses your credit card to make
an unauthorized purchase.
The protection offered to debit card fraud is similar but with
a few exceptions. For example, your liability under federal
law is limited to $50, the same as for a credit card, but only
if you notify the issuer within two business days of
discovering the card's loss or theft. Your liability for
debit card fraud can jump up to $500 if you don’t report the
loss or theft within two business days.
And if you are the type of person that gives a passing glance
to your monthly bank statement, you could be totally liable for
any fraudulent debit card charges if you wait 60 days or more
from the time your statement is mailed.
Visa and MasterCard zero-liability protection applies to your
debit card but only for transactions that do not involve the
use of your PIN (personal identification number).
Additional protection against fraudulent use of your credit or
debit cards may be available through your homeowner’s or
renter’s insurance. Check your policy or with your agent for
more information about your coverage.
Also be aware that you should contact your card issuer by
certified letter, return receipt requested, after you’ve
contacted them by phone to protect your consumer rights.
As for which card to use for what type of purchase, most
experts agree that you should use your debit card for the same
type of purchases you’d make as if you were using cash.
Therefore, it makes more sense to use your debit card than your
credit card at the grocery store or gas station (provided you
have sufficient funds to cover these purchases of course).
Avoid using your debit card for any online purchase or for
something which is expensive. Why ? You’ll find it much
easier to dispute a charge when you use your credit card. If
your gold-plated, limited edition, hip-swinging Elvis wall
clock arrives broken, your credit card company will remove the
charge until the problem is resolved.
With your debit card you are stuck dealing with the merchant
directly to resolve any problems with a purchase, even if your
banking institution could really use a gold-plated, limited
edition, hip-swinging Elvis wall clock of their very own.
About the Author: © 2005, Author: James H. Dimmitt
James is editor of “To Your Credit” a FREE weekly newsletter
focusing on managing your personal finances and credit.
Subscribe and get a FREE copy of your credit report when you
Friday, April 27, 2007
Credit Card Machines 802
27 Ways to Reduce Your Merchant Account Chargebacks
By Colin Albert
When your merchant account provider reverses a customer's transaction as a result of his disputing the charge, then, unless you successfully challenge the reversal, you lose the sales proceeds, incur any shipping & handling costs and are levied a chargeback fee of $25 to $50.
And, an excessive history of chargebacks may result in the disastrous consequence of losing your merchant account and your ability to accept credit cards.
So, it's obviously important to take prudent steps to minimize the occurrences of chargebacks - especially if your transaction volume is high.
The disputes are usually based on a customer's claim that he did not receive the product or service that he ordered from you; that what he did receive was somehow defective or not what he ordered; or that he did not in fact order anything at all from you.
The causes for such claims generally result from:
* Fraud . Someone other than the authorized cardholder used his card or the information associated with card. Claims for fraudulent use of a cardholder's card are especially common with internet and other 'card not present' transactions. Many billions of dollars of online transactions are the result of fraud annually.
* Customer Error . Again, this type of error is increasingly common for internet transactions, where the customer may not recall whether or not he purchased your product or service - especially if your website's name and the name he sees on his credit card statement don't match.
* Your Error . Your system for managing and tracking transactions - or your bookkeeping may be at fault.
* Bank Error . Banks do make mistakes - an unusually high number of them in fact - and you should keep a close watch on your merchant statements to minimize bank error.
With that in mind, here are 27 specific things you can do to reduce chargebacks against your merchant account .
1. The Address Verification System (AVS, for short) compares the customer's stated billing address with the address the credit card company has on file. If your 'customer' has stolen the credit card, he probably won't know the right billing address, so AVS is very useful in detecting fraudulent orders. Failure to use AVS will also result in higher discount rates on your transactions.
2. Be careful with orders from developing countries (e.g. former Eastern block countries), which have a higher than average rate of chargeback claims.
3. When processing in person, make sure that, if for some reason the swipe terminal isn't working or the credit card cannot be read, the card information is keyed in and that you make an imprint onto the sales receipt. In order to avoid a possible chargeback later, both the card's account number and its expiry date must show up on the receipt.
4. A common cause of customers' disputes for online sales is that they don't recognize the description of your company that appears on their monthly credit card statement. So make sure that description reflects your website's name - and include a toll-free number in their statement's description, so they can phone you if they have a problem.
5. For websites, make sure you provide a toll free phone number for customers to call, so they can hopefully resolve problems prior to instituting a dispute via the card company. And have a 'frequently asked questions' section on your site to further clarify issues that might otherwise lead to a complaint.
6. Be careful when accepting online orders if the customer uses a free email service - for if the card was stolen, his identity may be next to impossible to identify later. To be safe, you could ask him to confirm the sale by phone or fax.
7. Set up your shipping process so that the customer's signature is always collected when the product is delivered - and have the shipper forward you a copy of the signed acknowledgement or upon request.
8. A recent development in fraud control is the IVR terminal ( which can record a customer's voice. If he later claims he didn't order your product or service, the voice verification is e-mailed to you so you can prove he did in fact make the order.
9. If you manually process transactions, but don't do so promptly, you may be hit with a chargeback for late presentment.
10. If you are selling via a website, offering a liberal returns and guarantee policy ensures fewer customer complaints and therefore fewer chargebacks.
11. If an order's billing address and shipping address are different, consider contacting the customer for an explanation for the discrepancy.
12. Be proactive, by sending your customers e-mail notices regarding orders, shipping, etc. An informed customer is a happy customer.
13. If you process via a high volume merchant account you should consider purchasing fraud prevention software (do a search on that term, if you wish to locate and compare software offerings). Depending on the product, these can be very sophisticated, monitoring the risk of each transaction prior to processing to see whether it should be declined (examining things such as the IP address, email server & domain; validating the zip code; and comparing or "scrubbing" the data against lists of previously identified fraudsters).
14. For manual processing and voice authorizations, always note the authorization number on the sales receipt.
15. If you takes orders with a credit card machine, you should always check the expiry date of the credit card, confirm that the card is signed and that the signature thereon matches that on your sales receipt. If there is not a match, require photo ID.
16. Implement a management system to flag suspicious transactions. Have a "to be checked" file and have your staff contact customers whose orders are flagged by the system. Reasons for flagging can include many of the items mentioned above, such as free email addresses; high dollar orders; international shipping addresses, etc.
17. For internet and phone/mail orders, if the purchaser is a new customer and the sales price is high, require a faxed copy of his credit card and his driver's license.
18. If you are selling over the Internet, place a warning on your transaction webpage stating that your site employs safeguards against fraud.
19. Be on the lookout for unusual ordering activity - including multiple orders of the same product, 'rush' orders, and the same cardholder making multiple orders within a very short time span.
20. Ensure that all the magnetic stripe or chip information required by the card processing company is actually being recorded. Also, compare the card's account number with the number printed out on the receipt. And check that the signature on the receipt matches that on the reverse side of the card.
21. Always get an authorization from the processing company. If your request for an authorization is denied, do not complete the transaction.
22. When you are concerned about the veracity of a cardholder's information, ask him for the phone number he supplied to his card company - and then call the company to verify it and call him as well, to ensure he is actually the cardholder and that he placed the order in question. You can also ask him to fax you a copy of his signature as well as the front and back of his credit card.
23. Shipping addresses containing only a P.O. Box are much higher risk than actual physical addresses.
24. For internet sales, always require the card's verification number (CVC2 and CVV2), which is the 3 digit number on the credit card's back side. According to Visa itself, this measure alone reduces chargebacks by over 25%.
25. Whenever a claim for a refund is made, and it has any merit - give the customer the refund. Doing so can significantly reduce chargebacks.
26. Disputes will happen, and when they do you will require all the appropriate documentation to support you - so make sure you store the documentation in a safe place and in an orderly fashion.
27. When a customer disputes a transaction you will receive an enquiry letter. Always respond to it within the stipulated time period. Your copies of face-to-face transactions must legibly display the card's account number, the date of the transaction and its amount, the card expiration date, your company's name and address, and the signature of your customer.
We also suggest you review the rules and suggestions for limiting chargebacks supplied by each of Visa, MasterCard, American Express, etc . These not only give you guidelines for preventing chargebacks, but will also detail the documentation and steps involved when disputes do arise - as they invariably will.
Colin Albert is the founder of The Merchant Account Explorer, a website devoted to providing businesses with advice on credit card processing. The site also offers recommendations regarding leading Internet and retail merchant account providers.
Article Source:
By Colin Albert
When your merchant account provider reverses a customer's transaction as a result of his disputing the charge, then, unless you successfully challenge the reversal, you lose the sales proceeds, incur any shipping & handling costs and are levied a chargeback fee of $25 to $50.
And, an excessive history of chargebacks may result in the disastrous consequence of losing your merchant account and your ability to accept credit cards.
So, it's obviously important to take prudent steps to minimize the occurrences of chargebacks - especially if your transaction volume is high.
The disputes are usually based on a customer's claim that he did not receive the product or service that he ordered from you; that what he did receive was somehow defective or not what he ordered; or that he did not in fact order anything at all from you.
The causes for such claims generally result from:
* Fraud . Someone other than the authorized cardholder used his card or the information associated with card. Claims for fraudulent use of a cardholder's card are especially common with internet and other 'card not present' transactions. Many billions of dollars of online transactions are the result of fraud annually.
* Customer Error . Again, this type of error is increasingly common for internet transactions, where the customer may not recall whether or not he purchased your product or service - especially if your website's name and the name he sees on his credit card statement don't match.
* Your Error . Your system for managing and tracking transactions - or your bookkeeping may be at fault.
* Bank Error . Banks do make mistakes - an unusually high number of them in fact - and you should keep a close watch on your merchant statements to minimize bank error.
With that in mind, here are 27 specific things you can do to reduce chargebacks against your merchant account .
1. The Address Verification System (AVS, for short) compares the customer's stated billing address with the address the credit card company has on file. If your 'customer' has stolen the credit card, he probably won't know the right billing address, so AVS is very useful in detecting fraudulent orders. Failure to use AVS will also result in higher discount rates on your transactions.
2. Be careful with orders from developing countries (e.g. former Eastern block countries), which have a higher than average rate of chargeback claims.
3. When processing in person, make sure that, if for some reason the swipe terminal isn't working or the credit card cannot be read, the card information is keyed in and that you make an imprint onto the sales receipt. In order to avoid a possible chargeback later, both the card's account number and its expiry date must show up on the receipt.
4. A common cause of customers' disputes for online sales is that they don't recognize the description of your company that appears on their monthly credit card statement. So make sure that description reflects your website's name - and include a toll-free number in their statement's description, so they can phone you if they have a problem.
5. For websites, make sure you provide a toll free phone number for customers to call, so they can hopefully resolve problems prior to instituting a dispute via the card company. And have a 'frequently asked questions' section on your site to further clarify issues that might otherwise lead to a complaint.
6. Be careful when accepting online orders if the customer uses a free email service - for if the card was stolen, his identity may be next to impossible to identify later. To be safe, you could ask him to confirm the sale by phone or fax.
7. Set up your shipping process so that the customer's signature is always collected when the product is delivered - and have the shipper forward you a copy of the signed acknowledgement or upon request.
8. A recent development in fraud control is the IVR terminal ( which can record a customer's voice. If he later claims he didn't order your product or service, the voice verification is e-mailed to you so you can prove he did in fact make the order.
9. If you manually process transactions, but don't do so promptly, you may be hit with a chargeback for late presentment.
10. If you are selling via a website, offering a liberal returns and guarantee policy ensures fewer customer complaints and therefore fewer chargebacks.
11. If an order's billing address and shipping address are different, consider contacting the customer for an explanation for the discrepancy.
12. Be proactive, by sending your customers e-mail notices regarding orders, shipping, etc. An informed customer is a happy customer.
13. If you process via a high volume merchant account you should consider purchasing fraud prevention software (do a search on that term, if you wish to locate and compare software offerings). Depending on the product, these can be very sophisticated, monitoring the risk of each transaction prior to processing to see whether it should be declined (examining things such as the IP address, email server & domain; validating the zip code; and comparing or "scrubbing" the data against lists of previously identified fraudsters).
14. For manual processing and voice authorizations, always note the authorization number on the sales receipt.
15. If you takes orders with a credit card machine, you should always check the expiry date of the credit card, confirm that the card is signed and that the signature thereon matches that on your sales receipt. If there is not a match, require photo ID.
16. Implement a management system to flag suspicious transactions. Have a "to be checked" file and have your staff contact customers whose orders are flagged by the system. Reasons for flagging can include many of the items mentioned above, such as free email addresses; high dollar orders; international shipping addresses, etc.
17. For internet and phone/mail orders, if the purchaser is a new customer and the sales price is high, require a faxed copy of his credit card and his driver's license.
18. If you are selling over the Internet, place a warning on your transaction webpage stating that your site employs safeguards against fraud.
19. Be on the lookout for unusual ordering activity - including multiple orders of the same product, 'rush' orders, and the same cardholder making multiple orders within a very short time span.
20. Ensure that all the magnetic stripe or chip information required by the card processing company is actually being recorded. Also, compare the card's account number with the number printed out on the receipt. And check that the signature on the receipt matches that on the reverse side of the card.
21. Always get an authorization from the processing company. If your request for an authorization is denied, do not complete the transaction.
22. When you are concerned about the veracity of a cardholder's information, ask him for the phone number he supplied to his card company - and then call the company to verify it and call him as well, to ensure he is actually the cardholder and that he placed the order in question. You can also ask him to fax you a copy of his signature as well as the front and back of his credit card.
23. Shipping addresses containing only a P.O. Box are much higher risk than actual physical addresses.
24. For internet sales, always require the card's verification number (CVC2 and CVV2), which is the 3 digit number on the credit card's back side. According to Visa itself, this measure alone reduces chargebacks by over 25%.
25. Whenever a claim for a refund is made, and it has any merit - give the customer the refund. Doing so can significantly reduce chargebacks.
26. Disputes will happen, and when they do you will require all the appropriate documentation to support you - so make sure you store the documentation in a safe place and in an orderly fashion.
27. When a customer disputes a transaction you will receive an enquiry letter. Always respond to it within the stipulated time period. Your copies of face-to-face transactions must legibly display the card's account number, the date of the transaction and its amount, the card expiration date, your company's name and address, and the signature of your customer.
We also suggest you review the rules and suggestions for limiting chargebacks supplied by each of Visa, MasterCard, American Express, etc . These not only give you guidelines for preventing chargebacks, but will also detail the documentation and steps involved when disputes do arise - as they invariably will.
Colin Albert is the founder of The Merchant Account Explorer, a website devoted to providing businesses with advice on credit card processing. The site also offers recommendations regarding leading Internet and retail merchant account providers.
Article Source:
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Credit Card Machines 802
Update Your Computer System With Bad Credit Computer Financing
By Amanda Thompson

The moment I placed myself in front of the computer screen a whole new world beckoned me to join it. And years of strolling have proved incompetent to get me acquainted with the full panorama of computers. You have always wanted one in your home. But something is stopping you. Bad credit? Do I hear bad credit? You think bad credit can stop you from getting your computer financed. Which world are you living in? You certainly need a computer. Computer financing for bad credit can enable you to get your very own home computer, lab tops, desk top or any other computer requirement.
Credit can be marred at any stage due to a number of reasons. Late payments, inflating debts, bankruptcy, county court judgments, arrears, any court case – all can result in impaired credit. Jaundiced credit report can falter you probability for getting computer financing. Yet the odds are not that diffuse for bad credit computer financing. First of all realize that computer financing for bad credit is not a Gordian knot. Any person with bad credit can find a loan including the one for computer financing. Envision your own position before you make a loan application for bad credit computer financing.
Bad credit has some obvious disadvantages that cannot be ignored. Bad credit is synonymous with greater rate of interest. You can’t escape increasing rate of interest for bad credit computer financing. What you can do is shop for a comparative lower rate of interest. First make your own stand clear with respect to bad credit loan. Before you make your claim as a bad credit loan applicant, check out your credit status. This will canonize your computer financing for bad credit with little or no impediment.
Very few people actually understand the meaning of the terms credit report and credit score. These are integral to bad credit loans inclusive of computer financing. A credit report contains a list of any credit cards you may hold, loans you may have taken out, how much your monthly payments are and any actions taken against you for any unpaid bills you may have accumulated over the years. Before providing you with finance for your computer, the loan lender will probably check your credit activities, to rule out any bad credit details. Credit score will be extracted out of your credit report. Your credit score is not good, that you already know. Otherwise you would not have been reading this article. Knowing your credit score will facilitate the prevention of abuse at the hands of the loan lender. He might take advantage of your ignorance and charge you higher rate than valid in context to bad credit computer financing. Forewarned is forearmed. You have heard that.
Now hear this, it really works.
Another term that directly connects with bad credit is no credit. ‘No credit computer financing’ is not similar to ‘bad credit computer financing’. Bad credit computer financing entails that at least you have installed credit through a bank account or credit card company. In the no credit specimen, no credit you have never owned a credit card or ever inaugurated a bank account. This is altogether an entirely different struggle. Some argue that it is better to have no credit instead of bad credit while contemplating computer financing. But the fact is, in order to establish yourself as a reliable borrower you at least need to have credit. And this can’t be done unless you establish a credit.
The facilities that come with bad credit computer financing are a conscientious recompense. The loan lenders are increasingly being innovative with bad credit computer financing products. Computer financing for bad credit permits you to purchase a computer instrument that comes with a full 2-year replacement warranty on parts and service. Also, all machines come with 1-year toll-free tech support. The loan lenders have notebooks and desktops, so that you can choose the machine you want. AMD powered machines that provide the latest processing speeds are also available as bad credit computer financing options. You can avail the latest software programmes through bad credit computer financing. Bad credit computer financing can release new possibilities for students. Computers are indispensable in relation to education.
All said and done – I must tell you that even the loan lenders realize that sometimes things go wrong and can lead to bad credit situation. Financial setbacks can undoubtedly affect your life unexpectedly. Therefore the essence of finding a bad credit computer financing is finding a loan lender that is ready to work for you. Bad credit computer financing can get you not only a powerful highly sophisticated computer system. Not only that the added ascendancy is the building up of positive payment history.
Your computer has waited in vain for retirement. But what could you do, you yourself were groping due to bad credit. This time oblige him with a well deserved annulment of services. And compliment your own specialization with state of the art computer system. This season reboot your computer system with bad credit computer financing.
Amanda Thompson holds a Bachelor’s degree in Commerce from CPIT and has completed her master’s in Business Administration from IGNOU. She is as cautious about her finances as any person reading this is. She is working as financial consultant for ,To find a Personal loans,Debt consolidation,Bad credit loans,home equity loans at cheap rates that best suits your needs visit
Article Source:
By Amanda Thompson

The moment I placed myself in front of the computer screen a whole new world beckoned me to join it. And years of strolling have proved incompetent to get me acquainted with the full panorama of computers. You have always wanted one in your home. But something is stopping you. Bad credit? Do I hear bad credit? You think bad credit can stop you from getting your computer financed. Which world are you living in? You certainly need a computer. Computer financing for bad credit can enable you to get your very own home computer, lab tops, desk top or any other computer requirement.
Credit can be marred at any stage due to a number of reasons. Late payments, inflating debts, bankruptcy, county court judgments, arrears, any court case – all can result in impaired credit. Jaundiced credit report can falter you probability for getting computer financing. Yet the odds are not that diffuse for bad credit computer financing. First of all realize that computer financing for bad credit is not a Gordian knot. Any person with bad credit can find a loan including the one for computer financing. Envision your own position before you make a loan application for bad credit computer financing.
Bad credit has some obvious disadvantages that cannot be ignored. Bad credit is synonymous with greater rate of interest. You can’t escape increasing rate of interest for bad credit computer financing. What you can do is shop for a comparative lower rate of interest. First make your own stand clear with respect to bad credit loan. Before you make your claim as a bad credit loan applicant, check out your credit status. This will canonize your computer financing for bad credit with little or no impediment.
Very few people actually understand the meaning of the terms credit report and credit score. These are integral to bad credit loans inclusive of computer financing. A credit report contains a list of any credit cards you may hold, loans you may have taken out, how much your monthly payments are and any actions taken against you for any unpaid bills you may have accumulated over the years. Before providing you with finance for your computer, the loan lender will probably check your credit activities, to rule out any bad credit details. Credit score will be extracted out of your credit report. Your credit score is not good, that you already know. Otherwise you would not have been reading this article. Knowing your credit score will facilitate the prevention of abuse at the hands of the loan lender. He might take advantage of your ignorance and charge you higher rate than valid in context to bad credit computer financing. Forewarned is forearmed. You have heard that.
Now hear this, it really works.
Another term that directly connects with bad credit is no credit. ‘No credit computer financing’ is not similar to ‘bad credit computer financing’. Bad credit computer financing entails that at least you have installed credit through a bank account or credit card company. In the no credit specimen, no credit you have never owned a credit card or ever inaugurated a bank account. This is altogether an entirely different struggle. Some argue that it is better to have no credit instead of bad credit while contemplating computer financing. But the fact is, in order to establish yourself as a reliable borrower you at least need to have credit. And this can’t be done unless you establish a credit.
The facilities that come with bad credit computer financing are a conscientious recompense. The loan lenders are increasingly being innovative with bad credit computer financing products. Computer financing for bad credit permits you to purchase a computer instrument that comes with a full 2-year replacement warranty on parts and service. Also, all machines come with 1-year toll-free tech support. The loan lenders have notebooks and desktops, so that you can choose the machine you want. AMD powered machines that provide the latest processing speeds are also available as bad credit computer financing options. You can avail the latest software programmes through bad credit computer financing. Bad credit computer financing can release new possibilities for students. Computers are indispensable in relation to education.
All said and done – I must tell you that even the loan lenders realize that sometimes things go wrong and can lead to bad credit situation. Financial setbacks can undoubtedly affect your life unexpectedly. Therefore the essence of finding a bad credit computer financing is finding a loan lender that is ready to work for you. Bad credit computer financing can get you not only a powerful highly sophisticated computer system. Not only that the added ascendancy is the building up of positive payment history.
Your computer has waited in vain for retirement. But what could you do, you yourself were groping due to bad credit. This time oblige him with a well deserved annulment of services. And compliment your own specialization with state of the art computer system. This season reboot your computer system with bad credit computer financing.
Amanda Thompson holds a Bachelor’s degree in Commerce from CPIT and has completed her master’s in Business Administration from IGNOU. She is as cautious about her finances as any person reading this is. She is working as financial consultant for ,To find a Personal loans,Debt consolidation,Bad credit loans,home equity loans at cheap rates that best suits your needs visit
Article Source:
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
Credit Card Machines 802
The "Credit Card Debt Termination" Scam
By Charles Phelan

"Legally terminate credit card debt! You can be debt-free in
4-6 months!" Advertisements like this are for a new type of
program that has spread via the Internet over the past few
years. It's called "Credit Card Debt Termination," and victims
are paying up to $3,500 for this bogus service. In this
article, I'll review the principles behind this program and
explain exactly why it's a scam to be avoided.
First, let's get our definitions straight. The scheme I'm
describing here should not be confused with Debt Consolidation
or Debt Settlement (also known as Debt Negotiation), both of
which are legitimate and ethical methods for debt resolution.
The easiest way to distinguish the Credit Card Debt Termination
scam from other valid programs is based on the central claim
that you really don't owe any money!
With Debt Consolidation, you pay back all of your debt
balances. With Debt Settlement, you pay back a lower amount
(usually around 50%) while the creditor agrees to forgive the
remaining balance. However, with the bogus Credit Card Debt
Termination program, promoters claim that you won't need to pay
anything at all (except their outrageous fees, naturally). They
make the surprising claim that you can legally wipe away your
debts simply by using their super-duper magic documents. Based
on some legal mumbo-jumbo, the claim is made that you really
didn't borrow any money from your creditors!
In order to understand this scam, a little background is
necessary. Remember the tax protest movement back in the 1970s?
People were claiming that the IRS tax collection system was
unconstitutional, and based on their misinterpretation of the
tax code, they refused to pay taxes. The IRS came down hard on
the tax protest movement, and through the court system, they
blew holes in all the legal arguments put forth by the
protesters. The Credit Card Debt Termination scam is a lot like
the tax protest movement. In fact, among collection
professionals, it's called the "monetary protest movement."
Just like the tax protest movement, there is a common theme
that runs through all of the promotional materials issued by
the monetary protestors. The basic idea is that our Federal
Reserve monetary system and generally accepted accounting
principles (GAAP) do not permit banks to loan out their own
money. Therefore, according to their interpretation, the credit
card banks are the ones running the scam on the American public.
Stay with me here, because the logic is pretty strange. If a
bank cannot lend its own money, how does a credit card bank
extend credit? The claim here is that your credit card
agreement itself becomes a form of money (known as a promissory
note) the moment you sign it. The idea is that the bank
"deposits" your agreement as an asset on their books, and then
any credit you use is offset as a liability against that asset.
In other words, the core concept here is that you literally
borrowed your own money from the credit card bank.
So let's say your balance with ABC Credit Card Bank is $10,000,
which you borrowed against the card to make everyday purchases.
The scam promoters say all you need to do is notify the bank
that you want your original "deposit" back. However, you will
permit the bank to offset the amount you borrowed against the
amount you have on "deposit." Presto! You don't owe the balance
Now, as you can imagine, the banks don't take kindly to such
tactics. Many of the consumers using this technique are getting
sued by their creditors. But the scammers have more tricks
available, as if the "smoke and mirrors" financial nonsense
wasn't enough. One of their techniques is the use of bogus
"arbitration" forums. Arbitration is of course a legitimate
system that allows businesses and individuals to resolve
disputes without going to court. What do the scammers do? They
coach people on how to set up a fake arbitration forum, for the
express purpose of making a dispute against their creditors!
Naturally, the creditors will not send representatives to some
non-existent arbitration forum, so the consumer gets to
rubber-stamp their own arbitration award. If they get sued in a
regular court, they present their bogus award to the judge in
the hopes that the creditor's lawsuit will be dismissed.
There are other techniques used by promoters of this scheme,
but the key point to remember is the central claim that your
credit card debt does not really exist. Of course, it's all
nonsense based on a misinterpretation of our monetary system,
and if you step back and think about for a minute, the truth
seems pretty obvious. What these scammers are saying is that
the entire $700 billion credit card industry is operating on an
illegal basis! Even if the legal theory used by the promoters
were true (which it isn't), do you think for a moment the
government would allow this giant industry to go under? That's
exactly what would happen if the promoter's claims were proven
true and used on a widespread basis.
The Federal Trade Commission, which has jurisdiction here,
hasn't stomped on these con artists yet, but it's only a matter
of time. Unfortunately, in the meanwhile, consumers are being
bilked out of millions of dollars for a worthless program that
will only get them into deep trouble with their creditors. If
you are approached by someone offering to wipe away your debts
using this system, I strongly recommend you run in the other
direction while you hold on tightly to your wallet or purse.
Remember, you can eliminate your debts if you take a
disciplined approach to your finances, make a budget and stick
to it, and don't use your credit cards unless you can pay off
new balances in full each month.
Good luck in your financial future!
About the Author: Charles J. Phelan has been helping people
become debt-free without bankruptcy since 1997. A former
executive in the debt settlement industry, he teaches the
do-it-yourself method of debt negotiation. Audio-CD material
plus expert personal coaching helps consumers achieve
professional results at a fraction of the cost.
By Charles Phelan

"Legally terminate credit card debt! You can be debt-free in
4-6 months!" Advertisements like this are for a new type of
program that has spread via the Internet over the past few
years. It's called "Credit Card Debt Termination," and victims
are paying up to $3,500 for this bogus service. In this
article, I'll review the principles behind this program and
explain exactly why it's a scam to be avoided.
First, let's get our definitions straight. The scheme I'm
describing here should not be confused with Debt Consolidation
or Debt Settlement (also known as Debt Negotiation), both of
which are legitimate and ethical methods for debt resolution.
The easiest way to distinguish the Credit Card Debt Termination
scam from other valid programs is based on the central claim
that you really don't owe any money!
With Debt Consolidation, you pay back all of your debt
balances. With Debt Settlement, you pay back a lower amount
(usually around 50%) while the creditor agrees to forgive the
remaining balance. However, with the bogus Credit Card Debt
Termination program, promoters claim that you won't need to pay
anything at all (except their outrageous fees, naturally). They
make the surprising claim that you can legally wipe away your
debts simply by using their super-duper magic documents. Based
on some legal mumbo-jumbo, the claim is made that you really
didn't borrow any money from your creditors!
In order to understand this scam, a little background is
necessary. Remember the tax protest movement back in the 1970s?
People were claiming that the IRS tax collection system was
unconstitutional, and based on their misinterpretation of the
tax code, they refused to pay taxes. The IRS came down hard on
the tax protest movement, and through the court system, they
blew holes in all the legal arguments put forth by the
protesters. The Credit Card Debt Termination scam is a lot like
the tax protest movement. In fact, among collection
professionals, it's called the "monetary protest movement."
Just like the tax protest movement, there is a common theme
that runs through all of the promotional materials issued by
the monetary protestors. The basic idea is that our Federal
Reserve monetary system and generally accepted accounting
principles (GAAP) do not permit banks to loan out their own
money. Therefore, according to their interpretation, the credit
card banks are the ones running the scam on the American public.
Stay with me here, because the logic is pretty strange. If a
bank cannot lend its own money, how does a credit card bank
extend credit? The claim here is that your credit card
agreement itself becomes a form of money (known as a promissory
note) the moment you sign it. The idea is that the bank
"deposits" your agreement as an asset on their books, and then
any credit you use is offset as a liability against that asset.
In other words, the core concept here is that you literally
borrowed your own money from the credit card bank.
So let's say your balance with ABC Credit Card Bank is $10,000,
which you borrowed against the card to make everyday purchases.
The scam promoters say all you need to do is notify the bank
that you want your original "deposit" back. However, you will
permit the bank to offset the amount you borrowed against the
amount you have on "deposit." Presto! You don't owe the balance
Now, as you can imagine, the banks don't take kindly to such
tactics. Many of the consumers using this technique are getting
sued by their creditors. But the scammers have more tricks
available, as if the "smoke and mirrors" financial nonsense
wasn't enough. One of their techniques is the use of bogus
"arbitration" forums. Arbitration is of course a legitimate
system that allows businesses and individuals to resolve
disputes without going to court. What do the scammers do? They
coach people on how to set up a fake arbitration forum, for the
express purpose of making a dispute against their creditors!
Naturally, the creditors will not send representatives to some
non-existent arbitration forum, so the consumer gets to
rubber-stamp their own arbitration award. If they get sued in a
regular court, they present their bogus award to the judge in
the hopes that the creditor's lawsuit will be dismissed.
There are other techniques used by promoters of this scheme,
but the key point to remember is the central claim that your
credit card debt does not really exist. Of course, it's all
nonsense based on a misinterpretation of our monetary system,
and if you step back and think about for a minute, the truth
seems pretty obvious. What these scammers are saying is that
the entire $700 billion credit card industry is operating on an
illegal basis! Even if the legal theory used by the promoters
were true (which it isn't), do you think for a moment the
government would allow this giant industry to go under? That's
exactly what would happen if the promoter's claims were proven
true and used on a widespread basis.
The Federal Trade Commission, which has jurisdiction here,
hasn't stomped on these con artists yet, but it's only a matter
of time. Unfortunately, in the meanwhile, consumers are being
bilked out of millions of dollars for a worthless program that
will only get them into deep trouble with their creditors. If
you are approached by someone offering to wipe away your debts
using this system, I strongly recommend you run in the other
direction while you hold on tightly to your wallet or purse.
Remember, you can eliminate your debts if you take a
disciplined approach to your finances, make a budget and stick
to it, and don't use your credit cards unless you can pay off
new balances in full each month.
Good luck in your financial future!
About the Author: Charles J. Phelan has been helping people
become debt-free without bankruptcy since 1997. A former
executive in the debt settlement industry, he teaches the
do-it-yourself method of debt negotiation. Audio-CD material
plus expert personal coaching helps consumers achieve
professional results at a fraction of the cost.
Monday, April 16, 2007
Credit Card Machines 802
Credit Card Machine Buying Tips
By John Morris
The credit card is preferred by most people when paying for purchases and services because of its safety, security and ease of use. The use of credit cards is growing exponentially fueled by the growth of e-commerce and the increasing usage of credit cards in business-to-business transactions. Accepting credit cards in a business has many advantages. Not only will it help expand your consumer base, it will also provide an easier and more convenient alternative to paying by cash or check. When you accept credit cards, funds can be transferred to your bank account as soon as possible. If you are planning to sell online, accepting credit cards is a necessity.
Credit card processing equipments essential to any business, especially in today’s fast-paced lifestyle. In whatever business, the exploding use of credit cards and debit cards necessitates an investment on a reliable and secure credit card machine. There are a number of companies you can consider when shopping for a credit card processor such as banks, third party credit card processors, independent sales organizations, financial service providers and associations. Inquire about credit card processing equipment and make an informed choice when you decide to purchase.
I. Pervasive Technology
Credit card machines are being used extensively in almost every store and restaurant. These equipments are of great help to businesses as they process credit cards efficiently and securely. There is a huge variety of credit card processing equipment available in the market today and picking the right one appropriate for your business can be a challenge. If you are in the market for a credit card processing equipment, there are some simple tips you can follow to help you find the perfect credit card machine that will serve your intended purpose excellently. With the plethora of credit card machine options available, you might find it hard to decide on what credit card machine to buy. Here’s a simple guide to buying a credit card machine.
II. Buying Advice:
1. Buy, Don't Lease
Credit card machines are not really that costly, usually at the $100-$1000 price range. Consider a credit card machine as a worthwhile investment in your business. Although, there are credit card machine leases available from some merchant account providers. Leasing a credit card terminal may cost you much more in the long run than buying your own unit.
2. Get Battery Backup
Be prepared for any eventuality. In case your store or business establishment experiences a power interruption, you would still want to be able to process customer transactions. Buy a credit card machine with a reliable backup battery to ensure that you can continue to do business even when you lose electrical power.
3. Purchase A Credit Card Machine With A Fast Modem
Credit cards are supposed to make transactions faster and more convenient. Thus, a fast modem that can send data and authorize transactions quickly is a top requirement in a credit card machine. You might shell out more for a credit card machine with a 9600-baud modem, but it is worth the money and our customers will definitely appreciate it too.
4. Ensure It Can Handle Smart Cards
Smart cards are becoming increasingly popular and are considered the future of credit cards. Smart cards include credit, debit, and other information in a card with a microchip in it instead of a magnetic stripe.
5. Flash Memory Is Recommended
For better functionality, choose a credit card machine that use flash memory to store the operating software. This will allow for convenient software downloads and installation and increase the longevity of the equipment.
6. Ensure It Can Handle Debit Transactions
Some customers might prefer paying by debit. For this purpose, you will need a credit card machine with a built-in PIN keypad. You can also consider a separate PIN keypad which your customers can access easily while keeping the credit card processing equipment out of reach.
7. Get An Imprinter As A Backup
This could prove useful in case your store or business establishment loses power or phone service. You can still continue to do business even if you are in the field processing customer transactions.
For more great credit card machine related articles and resources check out
Article Source:
By John Morris
The credit card is preferred by most people when paying for purchases and services because of its safety, security and ease of use. The use of credit cards is growing exponentially fueled by the growth of e-commerce and the increasing usage of credit cards in business-to-business transactions. Accepting credit cards in a business has many advantages. Not only will it help expand your consumer base, it will also provide an easier and more convenient alternative to paying by cash or check. When you accept credit cards, funds can be transferred to your bank account as soon as possible. If you are planning to sell online, accepting credit cards is a necessity.
Credit card processing equipments essential to any business, especially in today’s fast-paced lifestyle. In whatever business, the exploding use of credit cards and debit cards necessitates an investment on a reliable and secure credit card machine. There are a number of companies you can consider when shopping for a credit card processor such as banks, third party credit card processors, independent sales organizations, financial service providers and associations. Inquire about credit card processing equipment and make an informed choice when you decide to purchase.
I. Pervasive Technology
Credit card machines are being used extensively in almost every store and restaurant. These equipments are of great help to businesses as they process credit cards efficiently and securely. There is a huge variety of credit card processing equipment available in the market today and picking the right one appropriate for your business can be a challenge. If you are in the market for a credit card processing equipment, there are some simple tips you can follow to help you find the perfect credit card machine that will serve your intended purpose excellently. With the plethora of credit card machine options available, you might find it hard to decide on what credit card machine to buy. Here’s a simple guide to buying a credit card machine.
II. Buying Advice:
1. Buy, Don't Lease
Credit card machines are not really that costly, usually at the $100-$1000 price range. Consider a credit card machine as a worthwhile investment in your business. Although, there are credit card machine leases available from some merchant account providers. Leasing a credit card terminal may cost you much more in the long run than buying your own unit.
2. Get Battery Backup
Be prepared for any eventuality. In case your store or business establishment experiences a power interruption, you would still want to be able to process customer transactions. Buy a credit card machine with a reliable backup battery to ensure that you can continue to do business even when you lose electrical power.
3. Purchase A Credit Card Machine With A Fast Modem
Credit cards are supposed to make transactions faster and more convenient. Thus, a fast modem that can send data and authorize transactions quickly is a top requirement in a credit card machine. You might shell out more for a credit card machine with a 9600-baud modem, but it is worth the money and our customers will definitely appreciate it too.
4. Ensure It Can Handle Smart Cards
Smart cards are becoming increasingly popular and are considered the future of credit cards. Smart cards include credit, debit, and other information in a card with a microchip in it instead of a magnetic stripe.
5. Flash Memory Is Recommended
For better functionality, choose a credit card machine that use flash memory to store the operating software. This will allow for convenient software downloads and installation and increase the longevity of the equipment.
6. Ensure It Can Handle Debit Transactions
Some customers might prefer paying by debit. For this purpose, you will need a credit card machine with a built-in PIN keypad. You can also consider a separate PIN keypad which your customers can access easily while keeping the credit card processing equipment out of reach.
7. Get An Imprinter As A Backup
This could prove useful in case your store or business establishment loses power or phone service. You can still continue to do business even if you are in the field processing customer transactions.
For more great credit card machine related articles and resources check out
Article Source:
Saturday, April 14, 2007
Credit Card Machines 802
Steps to Getting an Online Merchant Account
By Chris Rempel

For all those who have recently begun a business, the words merchant account, merchant account provider, credit card machine, online payment processing, etc will pop up sooner or later. The Internet is brimming with advice on this subject and you are certain to see the comparison between merchant accounts and other payment methods.
This article will explain the basics of what's truly involved in taking credit cards and the required steps to getting a merchant account - online, offline or otherwise...
What is an Online Merchant Account?
A merchant account is an account obtained from a reputable financial institution like a bank through which you are allowed to accept credit card payments.
The merchant account can also be acquired from specialized financial institutions called "merchant account providers". These financial institutions work with banks to supply unique features that would not be available otherwise.
As soon as you are able to accept payments via credit card, you will see an instant increase in sales, simply because there is now a more expedient payment option for your clients. Since many customer these days prefer to pay with plastic, sales transactions are quicker, and there's decreased risk and less "work" in terms of parting customers and their money.
There are various advantages that can greatly increase your profits once you open your own merchant account: (i) customers will impulse buy more readily, (ii) real time transaction processing, (iii) the resulting flexibility attracts additional customers to finish sales without holdup, and so on. Shortly, you will discover that your business profits (and word of mouth marketing) will will begin improving - simply by being able to accept credit cards - and service more clients...
To set up a merchant account, some things need to take place: The bank or financial institution will conduct a basic investigation into your business' credentials. They will look into your credit history, your business plan, your organization's financial stability (whether you can pay the fees - fixed and per transaction - imposed by the merchant account, etc). After the bank and/or financial institution is confident that the business is able to sustain a merchant account, they will establish the ability of your company to take payments by credit card.
This is the reason any company who owns a merchant account is more trustworthy to a customer. It is well known by consumers that the company who has a merchant account has undergone the rudimentary inspections required by a bank or financial institution and were deemed acceptable. It's similar to having a "stamp of approval", other than the fact that it simplifies the sale on various levels.
You need to be conscious that the majority of merchant accounts require minimum monthly fees to be paid that will be charged regardless of whether you process sales or not that generated fees that month. It's advisable to analyze the fees and features of several merchant accounts providers prior to deciding which one you will choose. And no matter what you do, be certain to read all of the terms and conditions of each potential merchant provider prior to signing on the dotted line...
Another benefit that comes with a merchant account is a comprehensive monthly statement of transactions. This statement will provide you with the credit card number of your customers. This will make it simple for you to match charge-backs or returns, and it will give you precise monthly and yearly sales figures and reports. (Hopefully, you won't be getting any charge-backs...)
Other than the fact that - assisted by the right merchant account - you are able to obtain superior service at the lowest possible costs (the profits skyrocket after your sales volume increases), you can also simplify and automate your company when you're selling online.
And that's what's called working smarter, not "harder". Being able to accept credit cards - and knowing the steps to getting a merchant account - makes it so much easier to see a real level of success with your business...
Chris Rempel, marketing director of Accept by Phone, recently started a "Lens" on the Squidoo Network about merchant account credit card processing.
Check it out here: Merchant Account Credit Card Processing
Article Source:
By Chris Rempel

For all those who have recently begun a business, the words merchant account, merchant account provider, credit card machine, online payment processing, etc will pop up sooner or later. The Internet is brimming with advice on this subject and you are certain to see the comparison between merchant accounts and other payment methods.
This article will explain the basics of what's truly involved in taking credit cards and the required steps to getting a merchant account - online, offline or otherwise...
What is an Online Merchant Account?
A merchant account is an account obtained from a reputable financial institution like a bank through which you are allowed to accept credit card payments.
The merchant account can also be acquired from specialized financial institutions called "merchant account providers". These financial institutions work with banks to supply unique features that would not be available otherwise.
As soon as you are able to accept payments via credit card, you will see an instant increase in sales, simply because there is now a more expedient payment option for your clients. Since many customer these days prefer to pay with plastic, sales transactions are quicker, and there's decreased risk and less "work" in terms of parting customers and their money.
There are various advantages that can greatly increase your profits once you open your own merchant account: (i) customers will impulse buy more readily, (ii) real time transaction processing, (iii) the resulting flexibility attracts additional customers to finish sales without holdup, and so on. Shortly, you will discover that your business profits (and word of mouth marketing) will will begin improving - simply by being able to accept credit cards - and service more clients...
To set up a merchant account, some things need to take place: The bank or financial institution will conduct a basic investigation into your business' credentials. They will look into your credit history, your business plan, your organization's financial stability (whether you can pay the fees - fixed and per transaction - imposed by the merchant account, etc). After the bank and/or financial institution is confident that the business is able to sustain a merchant account, they will establish the ability of your company to take payments by credit card.
This is the reason any company who owns a merchant account is more trustworthy to a customer. It is well known by consumers that the company who has a merchant account has undergone the rudimentary inspections required by a bank or financial institution and were deemed acceptable. It's similar to having a "stamp of approval", other than the fact that it simplifies the sale on various levels.
You need to be conscious that the majority of merchant accounts require minimum monthly fees to be paid that will be charged regardless of whether you process sales or not that generated fees that month. It's advisable to analyze the fees and features of several merchant accounts providers prior to deciding which one you will choose. And no matter what you do, be certain to read all of the terms and conditions of each potential merchant provider prior to signing on the dotted line...
Another benefit that comes with a merchant account is a comprehensive monthly statement of transactions. This statement will provide you with the credit card number of your customers. This will make it simple for you to match charge-backs or returns, and it will give you precise monthly and yearly sales figures and reports. (Hopefully, you won't be getting any charge-backs...)
Other than the fact that - assisted by the right merchant account - you are able to obtain superior service at the lowest possible costs (the profits skyrocket after your sales volume increases), you can also simplify and automate your company when you're selling online.
And that's what's called working smarter, not "harder". Being able to accept credit cards - and knowing the steps to getting a merchant account - makes it so much easier to see a real level of success with your business...
Chris Rempel, marketing director of Accept by Phone, recently started a "Lens" on the Squidoo Network about merchant account credit card processing.
Check it out here: Merchant Account Credit Card Processing
Article Source:
Friday, April 13, 2007
Credit Card Machines 802
Update Your Computer System With Bad Credit Computer Financing
By Amanda Thompson
The moment I placed myself in front of the computer screen a whole new world beckoned me to join it. And years of strolling have proved incompetent to get me acquainted with the full panorama of computers. You have always wanted one in your home. But something is stopping you. Bad credit? Do I hear bad credit? You think bad credit can stop you from getting your computer financed. Which world are you living in? You certainly need a computer. Computer financing for bad credit can enable you to get your very own home computer, lab tops, desk top or any other computer requirement.
Credit can be marred at any stage due to a number of reasons. Late payments, inflating debts, bankruptcy, county court judgments, arrears, any court case – all can result in impaired credit. Jaundiced credit report can falter you probability for getting computer financing. Yet the odds are not that diffuse for bad credit computer financing. First of all realize that computer financing for bad credit is not a Gordian knot. Any person with bad credit can find a loan including the one for computer financing. Envision your own position before you make a loan application for bad credit computer financing.
Bad credit has some obvious disadvantages that cannot be ignored. Bad credit is synonymous with greater rate of interest. You can’t escape increasing rate of interest for bad credit computer financing. What you can do is shop for a comparative lower rate of interest. First make your own stand clear with respect to bad credit loan. Before you make your claim as a bad credit loan applicant, check out your credit status. This will canonize your computer financing for bad credit with little or no impediment.
Very few people actually understand the meaning of the terms credit report and credit score. These are integral to bad credit loans inclusive of computer financing. A credit report contains a list of any credit cards you may hold, loans you may have taken out, how much your monthly payments are and any actions taken against you for any unpaid bills you may have accumulated over the years. Before providing you with finance for your computer, the loan lender will probably check your credit activities, to rule out any bad credit details. Credit score will be extracted out of your credit report. Your credit score is not good, that you already know. Otherwise you would not have been reading this article. Knowing your credit score will facilitate the prevention of abuse at the hands of the loan lender. He might take advantage of your ignorance and charge you higher rate than valid in context to bad credit computer financing. Forewarned is forearmed. You have heard that.
Now hear this, it really works.
Another term that directly connects with bad credit is no credit. ‘No credit computer financing’ is not similar to ‘bad credit computer financing’. Bad credit computer financing entails that at least you have installed credit through a bank account or credit card company. In the no credit specimen, no credit you have never owned a credit card or ever inaugurated a bank account. This is altogether an entirely different struggle. Some argue that it is better to have no credit instead of bad credit while contemplating computer financing. But the fact is, in order to establish yourself as a reliable borrower you at least need to have credit. And this can’t be done unless you establish a credit.
The facilities that come with bad credit computer financing are a conscientious recompense. The loan lenders are increasingly being innovative with bad credit computer financing products. Computer financing for bad credit permits you to purchase a computer instrument that comes with a full 2-year replacement warranty on parts and service. Also, all machines come with 1-year toll-free tech support. The loan lenders have notebooks and desktops, so that you can choose the machine you want. AMD powered machines that provide the latest processing speeds are also available as bad credit computer financing options. You can avail the latest software programmes through bad credit computer financing. Bad credit computer financing can release new possibilities for students. Computers are indispensable in relation to education.
All said and done – I must tell you that even the loan lenders realize that sometimes things go wrong and can lead to bad credit situation. Financial setbacks can undoubtedly affect your life unexpectedly. Therefore the essence of finding a bad credit computer financing is finding a loan lender that is ready to work for you. Bad credit computer financing can get you not only a powerful highly sophisticated computer system. Not only that the added ascendancy is the building up of positive payment history.
Your computer has waited in vain for retirement. But what could you do, you yourself were groping due to bad credit. This time oblige him with a well deserved annulment of services. And compliment your own specialization with state of the art computer system. This season reboot your computer system with bad credit computer financing.
Amanda Thompson holds a Bachelor’s degree in Commerce from CPIT and has completed her master’s in Business Administration from IGNOU. She is as cautious about her finances as any person reading this is. She is working as financial consultant for ,To find a Personal loans,Debt consolidation,Bad credit loans,home equity loans at cheap rates that best suits your needs visit
Article Source:
By Amanda Thompson
The moment I placed myself in front of the computer screen a whole new world beckoned me to join it. And years of strolling have proved incompetent to get me acquainted with the full panorama of computers. You have always wanted one in your home. But something is stopping you. Bad credit? Do I hear bad credit? You think bad credit can stop you from getting your computer financed. Which world are you living in? You certainly need a computer. Computer financing for bad credit can enable you to get your very own home computer, lab tops, desk top or any other computer requirement.
Credit can be marred at any stage due to a number of reasons. Late payments, inflating debts, bankruptcy, county court judgments, arrears, any court case – all can result in impaired credit. Jaundiced credit report can falter you probability for getting computer financing. Yet the odds are not that diffuse for bad credit computer financing. First of all realize that computer financing for bad credit is not a Gordian knot. Any person with bad credit can find a loan including the one for computer financing. Envision your own position before you make a loan application for bad credit computer financing.
Bad credit has some obvious disadvantages that cannot be ignored. Bad credit is synonymous with greater rate of interest. You can’t escape increasing rate of interest for bad credit computer financing. What you can do is shop for a comparative lower rate of interest. First make your own stand clear with respect to bad credit loan. Before you make your claim as a bad credit loan applicant, check out your credit status. This will canonize your computer financing for bad credit with little or no impediment.
Very few people actually understand the meaning of the terms credit report and credit score. These are integral to bad credit loans inclusive of computer financing. A credit report contains a list of any credit cards you may hold, loans you may have taken out, how much your monthly payments are and any actions taken against you for any unpaid bills you may have accumulated over the years. Before providing you with finance for your computer, the loan lender will probably check your credit activities, to rule out any bad credit details. Credit score will be extracted out of your credit report. Your credit score is not good, that you already know. Otherwise you would not have been reading this article. Knowing your credit score will facilitate the prevention of abuse at the hands of the loan lender. He might take advantage of your ignorance and charge you higher rate than valid in context to bad credit computer financing. Forewarned is forearmed. You have heard that.
Now hear this, it really works.
Another term that directly connects with bad credit is no credit. ‘No credit computer financing’ is not similar to ‘bad credit computer financing’. Bad credit computer financing entails that at least you have installed credit through a bank account or credit card company. In the no credit specimen, no credit you have never owned a credit card or ever inaugurated a bank account. This is altogether an entirely different struggle. Some argue that it is better to have no credit instead of bad credit while contemplating computer financing. But the fact is, in order to establish yourself as a reliable borrower you at least need to have credit. And this can’t be done unless you establish a credit.
The facilities that come with bad credit computer financing are a conscientious recompense. The loan lenders are increasingly being innovative with bad credit computer financing products. Computer financing for bad credit permits you to purchase a computer instrument that comes with a full 2-year replacement warranty on parts and service. Also, all machines come with 1-year toll-free tech support. The loan lenders have notebooks and desktops, so that you can choose the machine you want. AMD powered machines that provide the latest processing speeds are also available as bad credit computer financing options. You can avail the latest software programmes through bad credit computer financing. Bad credit computer financing can release new possibilities for students. Computers are indispensable in relation to education.
All said and done – I must tell you that even the loan lenders realize that sometimes things go wrong and can lead to bad credit situation. Financial setbacks can undoubtedly affect your life unexpectedly. Therefore the essence of finding a bad credit computer financing is finding a loan lender that is ready to work for you. Bad credit computer financing can get you not only a powerful highly sophisticated computer system. Not only that the added ascendancy is the building up of positive payment history.
Your computer has waited in vain for retirement. But what could you do, you yourself were groping due to bad credit. This time oblige him with a well deserved annulment of services. And compliment your own specialization with state of the art computer system. This season reboot your computer system with bad credit computer financing.
Amanda Thompson holds a Bachelor’s degree in Commerce from CPIT and has completed her master’s in Business Administration from IGNOU. She is as cautious about her finances as any person reading this is. She is working as financial consultant for ,To find a Personal loans,Debt consolidation,Bad credit loans,home equity loans at cheap rates that best suits your needs visit
Article Source:
Thursday, April 12, 2007
Credit Card Machines 802
How to Protect Yourself from the Latest ATM and Credit Card Fraud Tricks that Will Rob You Blind
By Gary Simpson
If there is ONE thing that I truly detest it is unscrupulous con-artists and thieves trying to defraud honest people just going about their daily business.
The latest fraudulent practises to hit Automatic Teller Machines (ATMs) are:
- a small device inserted into the card slot that physically traps your credit card
- the addition of a tiny camera alongside or above the ATM to record your credit card number and Personal Identification Number (PIN)
Let's look at how these criminals are getting away with your card and/or your personal details:
A thin piece of rigid film, usually in the form of a section of x-ray film, is cut and shaped then inserted into the area where you insert your card. It is shaped in such a way that a small "sleeve" traps the card and prevents it from being returned to you.
Obviously, the people who design these traps have some sort of working knowledge of the machines themselves.
If your card is "swallowed" by the ATM it may be a machine fault. However, it may also be the work of a fraudster who will invariably be lurking nearby, possibly waiting for you to leave. Be particularly wary if this happens outside banking hours.
Check to see if you can locate a small slip of clear plastic or x-ray film located around the lip of the machine. If so, removing that will also remove your credit card.
If you cannot see anything, pretend to leave the area and see who makes a "beeline" to the ATM. Note, this may place you in danger if the con-artist is violent.
Be particularly suspicious if anybody just happens to turn up to "assist" you.
That person could very well be your thief. He or she may then use their body to block your view and then, in a deft movement, palm your credit card into their pocket.
Mini camera devices are now being concealed and used to record numbers entered at the ATM.
Be particularly suspicious if a plastic brochure holder is placed near the keypad. Banks will not place anything near an ATM. Such an object will be fitted with a lens and a small recording device all shielded and cunningly camouflaged by official bank pamphlets - stolen, of course, from the bank itself.
Look for anything that is not a NORMAL part of the machine. Be aware also of roof mounted devices. These can be taped directly above the ATM with the lens eye pointing downward.
A good way to beat this trick is to mask your keystrokes with your other hand.
Keep your wits about you at all ATM's. Never use one outside banking hours. If you are alone you are also at the risk of being mugged AFTER you get your money. Be alert.
Here is a big tip - be on the lookout for ANY person lurking nearby, especially if they are wearing a hat, sunglasses and a collar turned up. Such a person is making himself or herself difficult to recognize in the event that they themselves are filmed by security cameras.
Credit card fraud is an increasing crime. Be wary of these warnings and you will seriously reduce your chance of becoming a victim.
Gary Simpson has written nine books on various subjects including "How to Save $1000's and Increase Your Net Wealth." If you are looking for a better financial future then go to Turn Debt Into Wealth. Here you can also get a password for the "Wealthy Minds" newsletter in the exclusive Members' Only section of the site.
Article Source:
By Gary Simpson
If there is ONE thing that I truly detest it is unscrupulous con-artists and thieves trying to defraud honest people just going about their daily business.
The latest fraudulent practises to hit Automatic Teller Machines (ATMs) are:
- a small device inserted into the card slot that physically traps your credit card
- the addition of a tiny camera alongside or above the ATM to record your credit card number and Personal Identification Number (PIN)
Let's look at how these criminals are getting away with your card and/or your personal details:
A thin piece of rigid film, usually in the form of a section of x-ray film, is cut and shaped then inserted into the area where you insert your card. It is shaped in such a way that a small "sleeve" traps the card and prevents it from being returned to you.
Obviously, the people who design these traps have some sort of working knowledge of the machines themselves.
If your card is "swallowed" by the ATM it may be a machine fault. However, it may also be the work of a fraudster who will invariably be lurking nearby, possibly waiting for you to leave. Be particularly wary if this happens outside banking hours.
Check to see if you can locate a small slip of clear plastic or x-ray film located around the lip of the machine. If so, removing that will also remove your credit card.
If you cannot see anything, pretend to leave the area and see who makes a "beeline" to the ATM. Note, this may place you in danger if the con-artist is violent.
Be particularly suspicious if anybody just happens to turn up to "assist" you.
That person could very well be your thief. He or she may then use their body to block your view and then, in a deft movement, palm your credit card into their pocket.
Mini camera devices are now being concealed and used to record numbers entered at the ATM.
Be particularly suspicious if a plastic brochure holder is placed near the keypad. Banks will not place anything near an ATM. Such an object will be fitted with a lens and a small recording device all shielded and cunningly camouflaged by official bank pamphlets - stolen, of course, from the bank itself.
Look for anything that is not a NORMAL part of the machine. Be aware also of roof mounted devices. These can be taped directly above the ATM with the lens eye pointing downward.
A good way to beat this trick is to mask your keystrokes with your other hand.
Keep your wits about you at all ATM's. Never use one outside banking hours. If you are alone you are also at the risk of being mugged AFTER you get your money. Be alert.
Here is a big tip - be on the lookout for ANY person lurking nearby, especially if they are wearing a hat, sunglasses and a collar turned up. Such a person is making himself or herself difficult to recognize in the event that they themselves are filmed by security cameras.
Credit card fraud is an increasing crime. Be wary of these warnings and you will seriously reduce your chance of becoming a victim.
Gary Simpson has written nine books on various subjects including "How to Save $1000's and Increase Your Net Wealth." If you are looking for a better financial future then go to Turn Debt Into Wealth. Here you can also get a password for the "Wealthy Minds" newsletter in the exclusive Members' Only section of the site.
Article Source:
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Credit Card Machines 802
Update Your Computer System With Bad Credit Computer Financing
By Amanda Thompson
The moment I placed myself in front of the computer screen a whole new world beckoned me to join it. And years of strolling have proved incompetent to get me acquainted with the full panorama of computers. You have always wanted one in your home. But something is stopping you. Bad credit? Do I hear bad credit? You think bad credit can stop you from getting your computer financed. Which world are you living in? You certainly need a computer. Computer financing for bad credit can enable you to get your very own home computer, lab tops, desk top or any other computer requirement.
Credit can be marred at any stage due to a number of reasons. Late payments, inflating debts, bankruptcy, county court judgments, arrears, any court case – all can result in impaired credit. Jaundiced credit report can falter you probability for getting computer financing. Yet the odds are not that diffuse for bad credit computer financing. First of all realize that computer financing for bad credit is not a Gordian knot. Any person with bad credit can find a loan including the one for computer financing. Envision your own position before you make a loan application for bad credit computer financing.
Bad credit has some obvious disadvantages that cannot be ignored. Bad credit is synonymous with greater rate of interest. You can’t escape increasing rate of interest for bad credit computer financing. What you can do is shop for a comparative lower rate of interest. First make your own stand clear with respect to bad credit loan. Before you make your claim as a bad credit loan applicant, check out your credit status. This will canonize your computer financing for bad credit with little or no impediment.
Very few people actually understand the meaning of the terms credit report and credit score. These are integral to bad credit loans inclusive of computer financing. A credit report contains a list of any credit cards you may hold, loans you may have taken out, how much your monthly payments are and any actions taken against you for any unpaid bills you may have accumulated over the years. Before providing you with finance for your computer, the loan lender will probably check your credit activities, to rule out any bad credit details. Credit score will be extracted out of your credit report. Your credit score is not good, that you already know. Otherwise you would not have been reading this article. Knowing your credit score will facilitate the prevention of abuse at the hands of the loan lender. He might take advantage of your ignorance and charge you higher rate than valid in context to bad credit computer financing. Forewarned is forearmed. You have heard that.
Now hear this, it really works.
Another term that directly connects with bad credit is no credit. ‘No credit computer financing’ is not similar to ‘bad credit computer financing’. Bad credit computer financing entails that at least you have installed credit through a bank account or credit card company. In the no credit specimen, no credit you have never owned a credit card or ever inaugurated a bank account. This is altogether an entirely different struggle. Some argue that it is better to have no credit instead of bad credit while contemplating computer financing. But the fact is, in order to establish yourself as a reliable borrower you at least need to have credit. And this can’t be done unless you establish a credit.
The facilities that come with bad credit computer financing are a conscientious recompense. The loan lenders are increasingly being innovative with bad credit computer financing products. Computer financing for bad credit permits you to purchase a computer instrument that comes with a full 2-year replacement warranty on parts and service. Also, all machines come with 1-year toll-free tech support. The loan lenders have notebooks and desktops, so that you can choose the machine you want. AMD powered machines that provide the latest processing speeds are also available as bad credit computer financing options. You can avail the latest software programmes through bad credit computer financing. Bad credit computer financing can release new possibilities for students. Computers are indispensable in relation to education.
All said and done – I must tell you that even the loan lenders realize that sometimes things go wrong and can lead to bad credit situation. Financial setbacks can undoubtedly affect your life unexpectedly. Therefore the essence of finding a bad credit computer financing is finding a loan lender that is ready to work for you. Bad credit computer financing can get you not only a powerful highly sophisticated computer system. Not only that the added ascendancy is the building up of positive payment history.
Your computer has waited in vain for retirement. But what could you do, you yourself were groping due to bad credit. This time oblige him with a well deserved annulment of services. And compliment your own specialization with state of the art computer system. This season reboot your computer system with bad credit computer financing.
Amanda Thompson holds a Bachelor’s degree in Commerce from CPIT and has completed her master’s in Business Administration from IGNOU. She is as cautious about her finances as any person reading this is. She is working as financial consultant for ,To find a Personal loans,Debt consolidation,Bad credit loans,home equity loans at cheap rates that best suits your needs visit
Article Source:
By Amanda Thompson
The moment I placed myself in front of the computer screen a whole new world beckoned me to join it. And years of strolling have proved incompetent to get me acquainted with the full panorama of computers. You have always wanted one in your home. But something is stopping you. Bad credit? Do I hear bad credit? You think bad credit can stop you from getting your computer financed. Which world are you living in? You certainly need a computer. Computer financing for bad credit can enable you to get your very own home computer, lab tops, desk top or any other computer requirement.
Credit can be marred at any stage due to a number of reasons. Late payments, inflating debts, bankruptcy, county court judgments, arrears, any court case – all can result in impaired credit. Jaundiced credit report can falter you probability for getting computer financing. Yet the odds are not that diffuse for bad credit computer financing. First of all realize that computer financing for bad credit is not a Gordian knot. Any person with bad credit can find a loan including the one for computer financing. Envision your own position before you make a loan application for bad credit computer financing.
Bad credit has some obvious disadvantages that cannot be ignored. Bad credit is synonymous with greater rate of interest. You can’t escape increasing rate of interest for bad credit computer financing. What you can do is shop for a comparative lower rate of interest. First make your own stand clear with respect to bad credit loan. Before you make your claim as a bad credit loan applicant, check out your credit status. This will canonize your computer financing for bad credit with little or no impediment.
Very few people actually understand the meaning of the terms credit report and credit score. These are integral to bad credit loans inclusive of computer financing. A credit report contains a list of any credit cards you may hold, loans you may have taken out, how much your monthly payments are and any actions taken against you for any unpaid bills you may have accumulated over the years. Before providing you with finance for your computer, the loan lender will probably check your credit activities, to rule out any bad credit details. Credit score will be extracted out of your credit report. Your credit score is not good, that you already know. Otherwise you would not have been reading this article. Knowing your credit score will facilitate the prevention of abuse at the hands of the loan lender. He might take advantage of your ignorance and charge you higher rate than valid in context to bad credit computer financing. Forewarned is forearmed. You have heard that.
Now hear this, it really works.
Another term that directly connects with bad credit is no credit. ‘No credit computer financing’ is not similar to ‘bad credit computer financing’. Bad credit computer financing entails that at least you have installed credit through a bank account or credit card company. In the no credit specimen, no credit you have never owned a credit card or ever inaugurated a bank account. This is altogether an entirely different struggle. Some argue that it is better to have no credit instead of bad credit while contemplating computer financing. But the fact is, in order to establish yourself as a reliable borrower you at least need to have credit. And this can’t be done unless you establish a credit.
The facilities that come with bad credit computer financing are a conscientious recompense. The loan lenders are increasingly being innovative with bad credit computer financing products. Computer financing for bad credit permits you to purchase a computer instrument that comes with a full 2-year replacement warranty on parts and service. Also, all machines come with 1-year toll-free tech support. The loan lenders have notebooks and desktops, so that you can choose the machine you want. AMD powered machines that provide the latest processing speeds are also available as bad credit computer financing options. You can avail the latest software programmes through bad credit computer financing. Bad credit computer financing can release new possibilities for students. Computers are indispensable in relation to education.
All said and done – I must tell you that even the loan lenders realize that sometimes things go wrong and can lead to bad credit situation. Financial setbacks can undoubtedly affect your life unexpectedly. Therefore the essence of finding a bad credit computer financing is finding a loan lender that is ready to work for you. Bad credit computer financing can get you not only a powerful highly sophisticated computer system. Not only that the added ascendancy is the building up of positive payment history.
Your computer has waited in vain for retirement. But what could you do, you yourself were groping due to bad credit. This time oblige him with a well deserved annulment of services. And compliment your own specialization with state of the art computer system. This season reboot your computer system with bad credit computer financing.
Amanda Thompson holds a Bachelor’s degree in Commerce from CPIT and has completed her master’s in Business Administration from IGNOU. She is as cautious about her finances as any person reading this is. She is working as financial consultant for ,To find a Personal loans,Debt consolidation,Bad credit loans,home equity loans at cheap rates that best suits your needs visit
Article Source:
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Credit Card Machines 802
Currency Exchange in the United States
By Hilary Basile
The United States uses the United States dollar ($) as its currency, divided into 100 cents (¢).American bills usually come in denominations of $1, $5, $10 and $20. Denominations of $2, $50 and $100 can also be found, but they are uncommon, especially the $2 bill. All $1, $2, $5, $50 and $100 bills, and older $10 and $20 bills are all green.
The standard coins are the penny (1¢, copper color), the nickel (5¢, silver color), the dime (10¢, silver color) and the quarter (25¢, silver color). Note: The size of American coins does not necessarily correspond to their relative value: the dime is the smallest coin, followed by the penny, nickel and quarter in that order. Large 50¢ and $1 coins are uncommon. $1 coins (silver or gold) slightly larger than a quarter have been introduced, but are uncommon.
There is a large variety of different coins in circulation. In many cases, for a particular denomination the coins will have an identical front but totally different backs. For example, for quarters (25¢), each state is commemorated on the back of the coin. This means that there are 50 different coins, in addition to the traditional eagle and the 1976 bicentennial commemorative quarter.
The dollar is one of the world’s most common currencies and is convertible to most other currencies. Conversion rates vary daily and are available online. Foreign currencies are almost never accepted. Canadian currency is sometimes accepted at larger stores within 100 miles of the border, but discounted for the exchange rate.
Some U.S. banks will only change currency for customers. Foreign travelers are often the exception, as long as you have proper identification (passport) and a major currency. It is best to call ahead to verify that you will be able to make the exchange.
Note: It is not common to find currency exchange centers outside of major coastal and border cities, and international airports. Many banks can also provide currency exchange services, though certainly not for large amounts of money. You are best to bring dollars with you from your home country.
Most automated teller machines (ATMs) can handle foreign bank cards or credit cards bearing Visa/Plus or MasterCard/Cirrus logo; note, however, that many ATMs charge fees of about $1.50 for use with cards not from the bank operating the ATM (this is often waived for cards issued outside of the USA but then again, banks in one's home country may charge their own fees). Smaller ATMs found in restaurants etc. often charge higher fees.
Note: For German travelers, customers of "Deutsche Bank" are not charged for withdrawals from ATM machines that are operated by Bank of America. If you intend to use your overseas bank card or credit card, be certain that you have a PIN (personal identification number) that will work internationally (usually 4 digits) and that you know how much each transaction will cost (minimum and percentage exchange rate fees).
Credit Cards
Major credit cards such as Visa and MasterCard are widely used. Other cards such as American Express and Discover are also accepted, but not as widely. Almost all sit-down restaurants, hotels, and stores will accept credit cards. Authorization is made by signing a sales slip or sometimes a computer pad. When making large purchases, it is fairly typical for stores to ask for picture identification, but no additional security precautions are taken, so guard your cards carefully.
Gas station pumps, selected public transportation vending machines and some other types of automated vending machines often have credit/debit card readers. Note, however, that some automated vending machines accepting credit cards ask for the Zip code of the US billing address for the card, which effectively prevents them from accepting foreign cards. For gas stations, it would be advisable to check first with the station attendant inside.
Traveler’s Checks
It may or may not be wiser to bring traveler’s checks or use the ATM, depending on your bank’s policies. It’s always good to arrive with some currency on hand. Many establishments are unfamiliar with traveler’s checks, and may not know how to process them. You should have no trouble using a traveler’s check at a hotel or tourist site, but you may be out of luck at a grocery store or gas station.
American Express Travel cards would be a safe alternative to traveler’s checks. They work like credit cards but are pre-credited with the amount you determine.
In order to open a bank account in the United States, the federal government requires that you have a tax identification number or social security number. If you are visiting the United States for a while you can apply for a TIN.
Many "regular" checking accounts offer free online bill paying options. However, be aware, that "free" may not be so. Be sure to read the fine print. There are often other charges tied to checking accounts (which many travelers will know as “chequing” accounts) such as check processing fees, ATM fees and overdrafts.
Recently many of the paper bills have been redesigned with additional security features including the use of microprinting, colors and larger faces on the bills. Old-design bills, however, are still in circulation. Keep in mind that if you return home with large amounts of old-design bills, your local banks may be unwilling to exchange them for fear of receiving older counterfeits.
It may be wise to convert money in your home currency into U.S. dollars prior to arriving in the U.S. since it is uncommon to find currency exchange centers outside of major coastal and border cities, and international airports.
Some establishments will try to disallow the use of credit cards for small purchases, but this practice is forbidden by the credit card companies. You can either pay in cash, or gently remind the cashier that they are required by the credit card companies to take cards for purchases of any amount.
Hilary Basile is a writer for
At, you will find valuable tips and resources for handling life’s major events. Whether you’re planning a wedding, buying your first home, anxiously awaiting the birth of a child, contending with a divorce, searching for a new job, or planning for your retirement, you’ll find answers to your questions at (, part of the network of sites, provides comprehensive information for those living, working and traveling in the United States via 50 individual state portals.
Article Source:
By Hilary Basile
The United States uses the United States dollar ($) as its currency, divided into 100 cents (¢).American bills usually come in denominations of $1, $5, $10 and $20. Denominations of $2, $50 and $100 can also be found, but they are uncommon, especially the $2 bill. All $1, $2, $5, $50 and $100 bills, and older $10 and $20 bills are all green.
The standard coins are the penny (1¢, copper color), the nickel (5¢, silver color), the dime (10¢, silver color) and the quarter (25¢, silver color). Note: The size of American coins does not necessarily correspond to their relative value: the dime is the smallest coin, followed by the penny, nickel and quarter in that order. Large 50¢ and $1 coins are uncommon. $1 coins (silver or gold) slightly larger than a quarter have been introduced, but are uncommon.
There is a large variety of different coins in circulation. In many cases, for a particular denomination the coins will have an identical front but totally different backs. For example, for quarters (25¢), each state is commemorated on the back of the coin. This means that there are 50 different coins, in addition to the traditional eagle and the 1976 bicentennial commemorative quarter.
The dollar is one of the world’s most common currencies and is convertible to most other currencies. Conversion rates vary daily and are available online. Foreign currencies are almost never accepted. Canadian currency is sometimes accepted at larger stores within 100 miles of the border, but discounted for the exchange rate.
Some U.S. banks will only change currency for customers. Foreign travelers are often the exception, as long as you have proper identification (passport) and a major currency. It is best to call ahead to verify that you will be able to make the exchange.
Note: It is not common to find currency exchange centers outside of major coastal and border cities, and international airports. Many banks can also provide currency exchange services, though certainly not for large amounts of money. You are best to bring dollars with you from your home country.
Most automated teller machines (ATMs) can handle foreign bank cards or credit cards bearing Visa/Plus or MasterCard/Cirrus logo; note, however, that many ATMs charge fees of about $1.50 for use with cards not from the bank operating the ATM (this is often waived for cards issued outside of the USA but then again, banks in one's home country may charge their own fees). Smaller ATMs found in restaurants etc. often charge higher fees.
Note: For German travelers, customers of "Deutsche Bank" are not charged for withdrawals from ATM machines that are operated by Bank of America. If you intend to use your overseas bank card or credit card, be certain that you have a PIN (personal identification number) that will work internationally (usually 4 digits) and that you know how much each transaction will cost (minimum and percentage exchange rate fees).
Credit Cards
Major credit cards such as Visa and MasterCard are widely used. Other cards such as American Express and Discover are also accepted, but not as widely. Almost all sit-down restaurants, hotels, and stores will accept credit cards. Authorization is made by signing a sales slip or sometimes a computer pad. When making large purchases, it is fairly typical for stores to ask for picture identification, but no additional security precautions are taken, so guard your cards carefully.
Gas station pumps, selected public transportation vending machines and some other types of automated vending machines often have credit/debit card readers. Note, however, that some automated vending machines accepting credit cards ask for the Zip code of the US billing address for the card, which effectively prevents them from accepting foreign cards. For gas stations, it would be advisable to check first with the station attendant inside.
Traveler’s Checks
It may or may not be wiser to bring traveler’s checks or use the ATM, depending on your bank’s policies. It’s always good to arrive with some currency on hand. Many establishments are unfamiliar with traveler’s checks, and may not know how to process them. You should have no trouble using a traveler’s check at a hotel or tourist site, but you may be out of luck at a grocery store or gas station.
American Express Travel cards would be a safe alternative to traveler’s checks. They work like credit cards but are pre-credited with the amount you determine.
In order to open a bank account in the United States, the federal government requires that you have a tax identification number or social security number. If you are visiting the United States for a while you can apply for a TIN.
Many "regular" checking accounts offer free online bill paying options. However, be aware, that "free" may not be so. Be sure to read the fine print. There are often other charges tied to checking accounts (which many travelers will know as “chequing” accounts) such as check processing fees, ATM fees and overdrafts.
Recently many of the paper bills have been redesigned with additional security features including the use of microprinting, colors and larger faces on the bills. Old-design bills, however, are still in circulation. Keep in mind that if you return home with large amounts of old-design bills, your local banks may be unwilling to exchange them for fear of receiving older counterfeits.
It may be wise to convert money in your home currency into U.S. dollars prior to arriving in the U.S. since it is uncommon to find currency exchange centers outside of major coastal and border cities, and international airports.
Some establishments will try to disallow the use of credit cards for small purchases, but this practice is forbidden by the credit card companies. You can either pay in cash, or gently remind the cashier that they are required by the credit card companies to take cards for purchases of any amount.
Hilary Basile is a writer for
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Monday, April 9, 2007
Credit Card Machines 802
A Virtual Credit Card - Is This The Identity Theft Answer?
By Anthony Samuel
Identity theft is possibly the worst thing that can happen to you. Here some hacker uses your personal and financial information to rake in thousands of dollars without your knowledge. It can take you months to get out of the mess.
One way to defend yourself is to be very careful about your credit card information. The other is to use virtual credit cards. A virtual credit card is a prepaid card that functions like a real credit card. It can be used for shopping at websites, Internet shops and web stores where they accept payments with credit cards.
The Internet is generally a safe place to shop but there are always undesirables lurking in the shadows waiting to pounce on some unknowledgeable Internet shopper. Using this type of credit card is one of the most practical ways to protect yourself from these shadowy figures.
A virtual credit card helps you to shop on the net with a throwaway credit card number that is single use and valid for a month or two. With a virtual credit card you can protect your credit card account from being tampered.
This is because hackers find it near impossible to tamper with your virtual credit card as you use a different card number each time you shop online. Even if the fraudster gets hold of your virtual credit card number, it will not be of much use to them as they expire quickly.
A virtual credit card is sent virtually via your e-mail address. You receive a 16-digit virtual credit card number along with a 3-digit security number. The processing is usually complete within one to four days after the company receives the payment.
One caveat is that you must utilize the credit amount within the required period. If you do not do so, the amount will expire as soon as the card expires. All well-known credit card companies provide virtual credit cards. The credit provided to you is limited to the amount for which you apply.
For additional security purposes, if your card is lost or stolen, you are protected, as you would be if you had a normal credit card.
There are some places where a virtual credit card might not work. For example, you might not be able to pick up theatre tickets, make car or hotel reservations or book hotels with virtual credit cards.
No card can guarantee that it will work for all merchants as there are millions of merchants using their own credit card acceptance policies. So even though you may have a balance in your account, there is a minute possibility that the card might be denied due to the policies followed by different merchants.
Despite the fact that a virtual credit card is comparatively safe, you must take certain precautions with its use. Do not share your card numbers with anyone. Do not store the card details in the computer or in your e-mail, especially if you share your machine with anyone. When you enter the card details online, you must ensure that the page is a secure page. If you are asking a website just for information, it is not necessary for you to put in your card details. If they ask for it, sign out immediately.
Virtual credit cards do offer some additional security benefits over traditional credit cards but proper use of your regular credit card should negate the need to apply for a virtual credit card.
This article was brought to you courtesy A credit card directory where you can search, compare and apply for credit card offers from leading credit card companies and find tools and credit card articles to help you find the perfect credit card.
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By Anthony Samuel
Identity theft is possibly the worst thing that can happen to you. Here some hacker uses your personal and financial information to rake in thousands of dollars without your knowledge. It can take you months to get out of the mess.
One way to defend yourself is to be very careful about your credit card information. The other is to use virtual credit cards. A virtual credit card is a prepaid card that functions like a real credit card. It can be used for shopping at websites, Internet shops and web stores where they accept payments with credit cards.
The Internet is generally a safe place to shop but there are always undesirables lurking in the shadows waiting to pounce on some unknowledgeable Internet shopper. Using this type of credit card is one of the most practical ways to protect yourself from these shadowy figures.
A virtual credit card helps you to shop on the net with a throwaway credit card number that is single use and valid for a month or two. With a virtual credit card you can protect your credit card account from being tampered.
This is because hackers find it near impossible to tamper with your virtual credit card as you use a different card number each time you shop online. Even if the fraudster gets hold of your virtual credit card number, it will not be of much use to them as they expire quickly.
A virtual credit card is sent virtually via your e-mail address. You receive a 16-digit virtual credit card number along with a 3-digit security number. The processing is usually complete within one to four days after the company receives the payment.
One caveat is that you must utilize the credit amount within the required period. If you do not do so, the amount will expire as soon as the card expires. All well-known credit card companies provide virtual credit cards. The credit provided to you is limited to the amount for which you apply.
For additional security purposes, if your card is lost or stolen, you are protected, as you would be if you had a normal credit card.
There are some places where a virtual credit card might not work. For example, you might not be able to pick up theatre tickets, make car or hotel reservations or book hotels with virtual credit cards.
No card can guarantee that it will work for all merchants as there are millions of merchants using their own credit card acceptance policies. So even though you may have a balance in your account, there is a minute possibility that the card might be denied due to the policies followed by different merchants.
Despite the fact that a virtual credit card is comparatively safe, you must take certain precautions with its use. Do not share your card numbers with anyone. Do not store the card details in the computer or in your e-mail, especially if you share your machine with anyone. When you enter the card details online, you must ensure that the page is a secure page. If you are asking a website just for information, it is not necessary for you to put in your card details. If they ask for it, sign out immediately.
Virtual credit cards do offer some additional security benefits over traditional credit cards but proper use of your regular credit card should negate the need to apply for a virtual credit card.
This article was brought to you courtesy A credit card directory where you can search, compare and apply for credit card offers from leading credit card companies and find tools and credit card articles to help you find the perfect credit card.
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